I have been in Carbondale just for two months. During this short period, I have made a lot of experience. In this paper, I would like to share one of them.
Coming from a tropical country, I am not accustomed with cold weather. Although my friend from Haiti advised me to wear clothes which can prevent me from catching cold, I did not pay to much attention to what he said. One day, after coming out of the streets, I did not feel well. I felt like coughing with difficulties, and then I said: “I am done”. As the time was passing, I felt worse. So, I could not even eat anything. Then I was freaked out inside of me. I wondered myself, what will happen to me. Fortunately, my parents taught me how to deal with this kind of situation when I was in my country. Thus, I took the necessary steps to fix that problem once for all. First, I anointed my chest with oil I brought in the U.S. from Haiti. That oil derived from a medicinal plant named Ricinus communis (the picture of that plant is displayed on the top of the text). Next, I put on warm clothes. Third, I went to bed and covered myself from the top to the bottom with a very thick sheet. I did so, in other to increase the temperature of my body. At the same time, I avoided drinking cold beverages as well as taking cold shower. Hopefully, I recovered my health.
I drew two lessons from that experience: firstly, it is important to be prudent in life; secondly, whenever the opportunity to learn something new arises, seize it.
I can't imagine what it would be like to go from that sort of climate to winter in Illinois...I'm glad you survived!!!